Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chpt 2: The Destroyer and The Savior

Blogger's Notes: Ok, with this, it is Chpt2 now. do leave lots of comments about what you liked about the story and what you didn't so the next chpt can be better. Do not hesitate to introduce this story and also the others to your friends.

"We are the Nesohc Fo Sdrows." Sayol Renshii said.

"I know. I have heard much about you Sdrows from my travels." Theresa replied.

"I'd like to ask you to join my comrades and I at reporting to HQ and if possible I would like to recommend you to join us." Sayol offered.

"What!?" the other Sdrows exclaimed.

"Have you lost it Renshii? How can you offer that to a mere woman?" one of them shouted.

"Mere woman? Don't forget she tried to save us Sdrows and could fight almost equally with a Xoark that 5 of us could not even beat." Sayol retorted.

"Tch..." the guy went silent.

"Not to mention she possesses it." Sayol added.

"You can't be serious..." all eyes were on Theresa.

Theresa simply raised her sword up and they saw sword she wielded. That instant, all their weapons started to vibrate as if in resonance to each other. This was a signal that informs its user that they are in the presence of a Drows. It is a group of ancient artifacts said to have been left behind by divine beings who were responsible for the creation of the world.

Something happened in the past that caused these divine beings to cease existance but remnants of their power formed and materialized into the Drows. The Drows are of all shapes and sizes but many of them are in the form of swords.

After escorting Theresa to their HQ, they were reported to the briefing room where they were greeted by the General Commander.

"Welcome Theresa! I am General Commander Rowin. I hear you have saved my subordinates lives. I thank you." he introduced himself.

"Don't mention it, I did not really save them... I had to be saved myself." Theresa humbly replied.

"So I have heard. But nonetheless, if it weren't for you would have lost their lives then." General Commander Rowin argued.

Theresa did not argue further.

"I would like to cut to the chase. The Drow you possess, I would like to take it from you. Only a Sdrow from our ranks can possess a Drow and sadly, you are not of our ranks so I have to ask you relinquish your Drow to us." Rowin said bluntly.

Backing a few steps behind, Theresa quickly raised her hand to the hilt of her Drow.

"Never! This Drow is all I have left of my family and no one can take it from me! I would die than give it up!" Theresa screamed.

Unfazed, General Commander Rowin continued.

"I was not finished yet my dear, I apologise for giving you the wrong idea. Although I did say that those not of our ranks cannot own a Drow, that can be easily solved by simply giving you a chance to join our ranks. That would solve the problem no?"

Relaxing, Theresa regained some of her composure.

"So if I agree to join your ranks, I can keep my Drow, is that it?" she asked.

"Yes, I will simply register your name into our ranks. I need you to Think of a codename for yourself though. Do you need sometime to think about it?" Rowin comfirmed.

"No need, I will join you and you can refer me by my stage name, The Flower Goddess." Theresa replied.

"Flower Goddess...Very well, I would need to check the archives on the name of your Drow unless you know it?" Rowin asked.

"No, I don't. I only knew of this Drow when my mother gave it to me the night she was slaughtered..." Theresa replied bitterly.

"I am...sorry. Allow Sayol to show you around HQ while i check up on it." Rowin sympathised.

Minutes later, Sayol was giving Theresa a tour of the HQ, explaining to her the mission of the Sdrows.

"So, simply put, legends say that the divine beings who created this world were wiped out by Kalastros the god of the Xoarks but not without leaving behind the Drows which is to be used against the Xoarks and maintain a seal they had put on Kalastros." Sayol finished.

"So you are telling me that the Drows are weapons against the Xoarks and that your organization was built upon that very purpose?" Theresa asked.

"Exactly. That is also the reason why we seek people who possess Drows to join us if they are willing or else, give them up to us while we find suitable users." Sayol replied.

"And if they refuse?" Theresa questioned further.

"If they refuse, they will be charged with insubordination and thrown into jail, be they children or women. If they resist then they will be executed on the spot for treason against human kind." Sayol bluntly replied.

Theresa was shocked that his answer. Sayol looked barely over 17 years old and yet, he spoke as if he had lived longer than that. If i had resisted, would they have killed me too? she thought to herself.

"Well, I suppose I should send you to your new quarters now. Looking forward to working with you." Sayol quickly changed the subject and guided Theresa to her room.

For the next few weeks, Theresa under went strict training sessions and was taught about the Drows and its history. Of the many Drows known to man, Theresa was only interested in the one known as the Demon Sword. This she was sure, that sword was the murder weapon by the one who killed her family. The passion of revenge stirred even more within her.

Now, she was a full fledged member of the Neshoc Fo Sdrows. Her first mission was to team up with Sayol's squad and rescue captured civilians in a building attacked by a Xoark. With 2 of the most promising Neshoc fighting hand in hand, the operation went smoothly until they tried to rescue the last group of hostages.This Xoark had already released its Resurgence and had the appearance of a scorpion and threatened to poison a little girl held in its claws.

At a lost at what to do, Theresa faltered for a moment. Then Sayol raised his blade toward the Xoark. "Despicable being, I shall rid the world of you once and for all!" He shouted. "I don't think so, I still have this little girl hostage and I will harm her if you take another step closer!" the Xoark jested. Sayol grinned ominously for a moment. "Go ahead,I will just take revenge for her afterward. That is a useless threat." he replied coldly.

Theresa's eyes widened in shock. Sayol is just barely of age, how could he be so extreme? "Sayol, you can't! She is only a child with a bright future ahead of her! You cannot just end her life like that!" Theresa protested. "She is only a small sacrifice for a greater good. She should be proud." Sayol quietly replied, still advancing to the Xoark.

"I can't watch this any further." a familiar voice echoed behind them. In a flash, the Xoark's claw was hacked off and it barely defended itself from a slash by the hooded man before. All present were shocked at the sight of the sword he possessed. The Scorpion Xoark scuttled back a few steps and went into what looks like a bow to the man. "M-my Lord, why are you with the humans? His majesty is anxious for your return..." With out waiting for the Xoark to finish, the man whipped around and stabbed the Xoark in the face, his hand vibrating vigorously, the Xoark's face was ripped to shreds and it fell to the ground dead.

Sheathing the sword behind him, the man started to walk away when Sayol stood in his path. "Destroyer!! I, the Saviour of all mankind will strike you down right here and now with the holy sword I possess!!" Shaking his head, the man heaved an audible sigh. "Not that whole 'Destroyer' thing again..."

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