Monday, September 8, 2008

Chpt 1: Prologue and the Nesohc Fo Sdrows

Blogger's Notes: So sorry for the lack of updates, i have taken up a one month job at Chinese Garden as a Lion Dance Performer. Its a very taxing job and by the time i get home at night, i am pretty much too beat to write anything. So as a special, today i will not only update one blog, i am going to update all of them!! so here goes!

One dark and stormy night, a large manor was bustling with activity. There was screaming and running as the creatures known as Xoarks scurried around.

"Faster, you worms!!" Screamed a larger sized Xoark.

"We must find him at all costs or we are doomed!" screamed another.

This creatures scurried around franticly, searching for something. Just what were they searching for?

"Well? Where is he?" boomed the voice of a Xoark the size of a human.

"Y...your Majesty! F...forgive us, we have yet to find him..." wimpered one of the Xoarks.

"Then what are you all waiting for? DOUBLE THE SEARCH!!!" screamed the Xoark.


"Your Majesty!!" screamed a Xoark, running from the direction of the main hall.

"What is it!?" the King Xpark roared back.

"Your Majesty...You are needed at the Main Hall at once! It is a disaster!"

"What!? I will be there shortly. Go."

Moments later, the King Xoark stormed into the Main Hall and scanned the area closely. Strangely, nothing has been touched, puzzled, he quickly ran through all important artifacts within the Hall.

Suddenly, it came to him. Running to his seat at the back of the Hall, he stared at the empty wall above the seat. Eyes widening in fury, the the night was disturbed by his great roar.

"ARL ASTERIO!!!!!!!!!!"

2 years later, walking past Clarke Quay was a young man, no older than 24 yrs old, carrying a long package on his back and wearing a hooded cloak. Suddenly, he heard music that caught his attention. Looking up, he saw a woman dancing just beside the bridge leading to the esplanade.

Mesmerized, the young man edged closer. The flow, the gracefulness eminating from the woman had attracted a large crowd and they were staring wide eyed. The young man could have sworn that the flower bushes around them seemed to be blooming bit by bit.

Looking back at the woman, he suddenly felt the package behind him start to vibrate violently. Alarmed, he gazed around, expecting to see something or someone. When he was certain there was nothing around, he turned back to the woman.

To his surprise, there it was! Right behind the woman, lying on the floor is another package wrapped up in a long cloth, just like his was. A small grin appeared on his face. Just then...

"Stop Right There! Filthy creature!" shouted someone from a distance away.

Whipping around, the crowd saw a hideous creature heading their way and they quickly dispersed, many of them screaming the word, Xoarks. Close behind the Xoark was several people dressed in white uniforms with guards protecting their vital points. Each of them were carrying a weapon.

Dashing pass the young man, Xoark's eyes widen in shock as he recognized the person. Turning around, he stared.

"You..." he began when the white uniforms were about to catch up.

"Tsk...No choice now." the Xoark quickly turn and fled.

The white uniforms reached the area soon after and one of them stopped to check out the situation while the rest gave chase.

"Are you alright, stranger?" he asked the young man.

Saying nothing, the young man merely nodded.

"That's good. You are lucky, those abominations normally would not give up a chance to capture a hostage." the white uniform said.

Turning to face the woman, he asked.

"Are you alright too?"

"Yes thank you." nodded the woman.

Satisfied with everything, the white uniform pursued his comrades. as the white figure grew smaller and smaller, the young man felt the woman's gaze on him grow stronger and stronger.

Finally, she quickly packed her things and left the scene. All the while, the young man could feel the vibrations on his package grow stronger. Smiling to himself, he started walking in the direction of the chase and when he was out of site, gave a large leap and followed the white uniforms closely.

Moments later, he was surprised to see the young woman following the white uniforms as well, carrying with her, a sword. A wide smile appeared on his lips as they followed the white uniforms.

Eventually, they cornered the Xoark and started attacking it. Though it seems like they had overwealming advantage in numbers, the white uniforms weren't particularly powerful individually. The Xoark overpowered them and as he was about to deal the finishing blow, he was stopped by the white uniform that had stayed behind.

"I don't think so, Monster!" he shouted.

Standing at the top of a building, the young man was amazed at the young white uniform's powers. However, if you think that that is all the Xoarks are capable of, you are deadly mistaken. he thought as he could sense that the white uniform was giving his all.

True enough, the Xoark pushed the white uniform back and unleashed what I will now refer to as The Resurgence. It is the process of which a Xoark will evolve from a human sized creature into a full blown monster. Not all Xoarks are able to do this as it requires much skill and time to accomplish but for a Xoark capable of a Resurgence, it would not only be able to exponentially increase its powers, but also gain abilities dependant on what they were based on. All Xoarks are different in that sense.

This particular Xoark is based on the Praying Mantis. Therefore, it now possesses 6 arms all ending with blades. Caught completely off guard, the white uniform only managed to dodge the attacks aimed at his vitals.

"Prepare to die! Foolish human!" the Xoark screamed, raining relentless blows on the white uniform.

Just as he was about to be dealt the final blow, the woman dashed in. Using light and graceful movements, she deflected all the blades and rescued the white uniform.

"I will be your opponent from now! When I defeat you, you must answer my questions!" the woman said.

"Only if you can beat me, Dancing Bitch!" hissed the Xoark.

A fierce battle ensued. The young man and the white uniforms were completely amazed. One woman could fight on an even match with a Xoark that 5 white uniforms, obviously trained in combat could not beat.

However, this woman definitely lacks experience against a Resurgenced Xoark as she kept aiming for points fatal only to human Xoarks, rendering many of her attacks useless.

In a sneak attack, the Xoark unleashed a hidden pair of arms after locking blades with the woman. Caught off guard also, the woman was seriously injured.

"Despicable bastard!" she growled.

"Little bitch, this is called a fight for life or death. Now, DIE all of you!" retorted the Xoark.

This is not good, I cannot let him escape. the young man thought. Unwrapping the package revealing a large sword as well, he gripped the hilt tightly waiting for the moment the Mantis Xoark let its guard down.

In the moment the Mantis Xoark struck, the young man made his move. In a flash, he hacked off all the limbs of the Xoark.

"I am sorry, but i cannot let you live any longer." the young man whispered.

"What!? can you do this!? Its against the law!" the Xoark shrieked.

"Law? I am not bound by any law." the young man retorted.

Roaring with rage, the Mantis Xoark quickly regenerated its broken limbs and hacked away at the mysterious person. Strangely, when the blades reached a certain distance from the young man, it got hacked off. All this time the man had not moved from the spot.

From the distance, the white uniforms and the woman could clearly see the radius of which surrounded the young man and the Xoark kept regenerating only to have the limb cut off moments later.

Eventually, the rate of regeneration slowed considerably as the Xoark started to tire and the young man started to move forward. The woman then caught a glimpse of the face under the hood and she was shocked at the sight of the young man's eyes. They were yellow and had a slit inside.

Jumping forward pass the Xoark, the young man landed softly on the ground and started walking away. Whipping aroung, the Xoark stared at his back and before he could utter a word, its body blew up into bits with blood splurting everywhere.

Sheathing the sword again, the young man quickly fled the scene and left the others behind. Slowly recovering, the young white uniform help the young woman up.

"You are really strong, whats your name?" he asked.

"Thank you, my name is Theresa Claire Von Schneider." Theresa replied.

"I am Sayol Renshii and we are the Nesohc Fo Sdrows." Sayol Renshii introduced.

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